Thursday, February 5, 2009


Based on both Post-Modern and Traditional ideologies that the most basic aspects of life and living are often the most expressive, we see art as a way of life and vise-versa. Thus, as the world once again feels the grinding gears of war and economic downturn, we have decided to take a new look at the function of shelter. As the most basic component of living, next to food, we see shelter as a symbolic and dynamic form of technology, art, and interaction. The goal of our project at the Co-Prosperity Sphere, aka Shelter 1, and the Vacant Lot Project, is to create a living structure that displays and employs the materials and theoreticals we see to be a part of the equation in this new and complex era.

Please help us explore this important topic.

Here are the options we've created. There is much room for play.
Co-Prosperity Sphere/Shelter 1:
Co-Prosperity Sphere, Shelter 1, will serve as base operations for the outgoing projects. The space will act as living quarters for visiting artists of the festival to stay, a soup kitchen/food court, and a place for artists to critique and collaborate. This will also be the primary performance space for the festival. The Shelter 1 will thus act as a gallery space for artists to display work on the theme of "shelter as a vehicle", as well as hub for the project in and of itself. The proposed title for this show is Bridged and Sheltered. Via the exhibition viewers will be educated and invited to investigate the projects through walking tours, FREE UNIVERSITY and other performances. We are asking artists to propose plans for live/work shelters, food and hospitality, FREE UNIVERSITY curricula and any other works of art or research on this subject.

Vacant Lot Project: Vacant lots in and around the Bridgeport neighborhood will be available for artists to create shelters, camps, gardens, or simply experiment with materials and space. Found and recycled materials will be available for all participating artists. There are two options for this project: proposing an idea, or a 'free assemblage' option. With the 'free assemblage' option, artists will be supplied a pile of materials and are asked to collaborate, compromise, and construct improvisational shelters. The motivation here is to encourage creative, sustainable design while calling attention to the lots as viable platforms for creative and cultural production (i.e- open air studio, modernist lean-to, BBQ smoke shack, bomb shelter, bike mechanic shop, tai chi practice area, trade school, etc.).

Shelter Corps:
The Shelter Corps is to be composed of all people involved in the Shelter Project. The primary members of this group will naturally be those that have proposed Lot Projects or Shelter 1 activities, however we need as many collaborators as possible to help operate Shelter 1, collect materials, build shelters, and take-down after the festival. If you just want to be a member of the Shelter Corps then get in where you fit in and tell us you want to volunteer!

Documenta Team:
We are looking for a team of people to help document the project from start to finish. These can be photogs, film-makers, historians, writers, and any other thinkers and do-ers that can archive the project for future documentation and final print media.

Bridged and Sheltered Show- parts A & B:
The nature of this project allows us to have two exhibits, one at the beginning and one at the end. In this sense, the primary show will be an accumulation of materials, plans, and tools for the Shelter Corps crews. The secondary show will be a display of documenta, artifacts, and any other work related to the finalized Vacant Lot Projects. We need volunteers for install and de-install in the Co-Prosperity Sphere- this will include building the main stage for Version 09, as well as the Shelter 1 infrastructure. Curators, carpenters, painters, etc. please join the Shelter Corps.

Proposals due February 28, 2009.

Submit all proposals to :

or mail to:
Bridged and Sheltered
c/o Public Media Institute
960 W 31st St
Chicago IL 60608

The Bridged and Sheltered Show is part of Version>09 Immodest Proposals which takes place April 23 - May 2, 2009.